Information for our Parents
Parents, we want this website to be your one-stop place for information about the Spring Valley Bands. The Band Handbook has a wealth of information, but much of that information also appears in smaller chunks on these web pages.

Spring Valley Band Parents
Keep up to date with us on our parent Facebook page! Ask questions, share photos, and more. Search for the group "Spring Valley Band Parents"
Keep up to date with us on our parent Facebook page! Ask questions, share photos, and more. Search for the group "Spring Valley Band Parents"

Charms is our system that allows us to track student information, instrument inventory, booster financial records, and much more. You can see your outstanding band fees through your Charms login. If you need any help with your login, please email Mr. McGee. Please click on the Charms logo to access our Charms Account Program.
Charms is our system that allows us to track student information, instrument inventory, booster financial records, and much more. You can see your outstanding band fees through your Charms login. If you need any help with your login, please email Mr. McGee. Please click on the Charms logo to access our Charms Account Program.

Get the Charms App!
It's New. It's Blue. The new Charms parent/student-side Mobile App is up, for both Android and Apple! Go to your phone's particular App Store, and search for "Charms Blue" to download it. The code is: Springvalleyband
It's New. It's Blue. The new Charms parent/student-side Mobile App is up, for both Android and Apple! Go to your phone's particular App Store, and search for "Charms Blue" to download it. The code is: Springvalleyband

Forms You’ll Need
All Students, even if they are exempt from marching band due to a Fall sport, need to turn in the Medical Release Form, and the Band Policy Agreement and Permission Form at the beginning of the school year. If you want to allow the band staff to give your student any medications, including over-the-counter medications such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol or Benadryl -- you MUST turn in the Medical Release Form signed by a notary. You’ll get additional instructions during the year regarding the Medical forms, Travel forms, and other General forms.
All Students, even if they are exempt from marching band due to a Fall sport, need to turn in the Medical Release Form, and the Band Policy Agreement and Permission Form at the beginning of the school year. If you want to allow the band staff to give your student any medications, including over-the-counter medications such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol or Benadryl -- you MUST turn in the Medical Release Form signed by a notary. You’ll get additional instructions during the year regarding the Medical forms, Travel forms, and other General forms.

Fair Share
All band members are expected to help in fund-raising their fair share. We simply cannot have the type of program we desire with district funds alone. It is important to do your fair share by taking orders and turning money in on time. Parents who do not wish to participate in fundraising may make a contribution equal to the fundraising goal. To view the Fair Share payment schedule, click here. You can also find the schedule on the Band Calendar.
To pay fees, use the following Xpress-Pay link: Xpress-pay
Click here for Fair Share payment information.
All band members are expected to help in fund-raising their fair share. We simply cannot have the type of program we desire with district funds alone. It is important to do your fair share by taking orders and turning money in on time. Parents who do not wish to participate in fundraising may make a contribution equal to the fundraising goal. To view the Fair Share payment schedule, click here. You can also find the schedule on the Band Calendar.
To pay fees, use the following Xpress-Pay link: Xpress-pay
Click here for Fair Share payment information.

Uniform Requirements
Below is a list of our uniform requirements for each performing ensemble. All students are responsible for purchasing these items for performance purposes.
Viking Band
Fall Uniform
Summer Uniform
Symphonic and Concert Band

We have a variety of fund raisers during the year, and the Fundraising page gives you information about those events.
We have a variety of fund raisers during the year, and the Fundraising page gives you information about those events.

Update Your Contact Info
It’s vital for us to have your current contact information. Although we try to keep everything up to date on this web site, we also send out lots of information by email via Charms. Since it’s fairly common for people to change internet service providers, or maybe to switch from using a home address to a work address (or to using both), we need you to keep your information up to date. If any of your contact information changes, please update and submit your info (email, phone, etc) by sending an email to [email protected] or by updating this information in Charms. The Charms link is posted above.
It’s vital for us to have your current contact information. Although we try to keep everything up to date on this web site, we also send out lots of information by email via Charms. Since it’s fairly common for people to change internet service providers, or maybe to switch from using a home address to a work address (or to using both), we need you to keep your information up to date. If any of your contact information changes, please update and submit your info (email, phone, etc) by sending an email to [email protected] or by updating this information in Charms. The Charms link is posted above.

Join our Booster Organization
As you can imagine, we have LOTS of ways for parents to participate in the band program. For every outdoor rehearsal, we need first aid staff and Water Warriors; we need volunteers to build and manage props and help move equipment during marching season; we need volunteers to take care of uniforms; we need chaperons for every football game and every road trip (to include both marching and concert trips); we need volunteers to serve on a variety of support committees -- in short, whatever your skills and interests, we have a place for you! Be sure to complete the Volunteer Sign Up Form, and watch throughout the year for emails requesting volunteer help.
Finally, if there's anything that you'd like to have on this website but can't find, please send us a message to the email address [email protected], and we will try to get the information for you.
As you can imagine, we have LOTS of ways for parents to participate in the band program. For every outdoor rehearsal, we need first aid staff and Water Warriors; we need volunteers to build and manage props and help move equipment during marching season; we need volunteers to take care of uniforms; we need chaperons for every football game and every road trip (to include both marching and concert trips); we need volunteers to serve on a variety of support committees -- in short, whatever your skills and interests, we have a place for you! Be sure to complete the Volunteer Sign Up Form, and watch throughout the year for emails requesting volunteer help.
Finally, if there's anything that you'd like to have on this website but can't find, please send us a message to the email address [email protected], and we will try to get the information for you.