Spring Valley Fundraising Opportunities
Please visit this page frequently to learn of any band fundraisers that are taking place. Remember that students can fundraise to help raise money for their Fair Share Fees!

Car Magnets Available for Sale
Viking Band Car Magnets
$10 each or 2 for $15
Viking Band Car Magnets
$10 each or 2 for $15

Publix Partner Cards are now available
Dear Families:
Publix Super Markets has a great program that will enable our band program to make money every time we shop at Publix. It’s simple: you only need to present the Publix Partners card when you shop and Publix will handle everything else.
Please note that SV Band has a Publix Partner card as well as SVHS, so please be sure to present your SV Band Publix Partner card in order for our program to receive credit. Our Publix Partner Card lists Spring Valley Band Booster on the back of it.
For every $37,500 our supporters spend at Publix, $250 will be given to our band booster at the quarter’s end. If we haven’t reached the $37,500 mark by the end of a quarter, our balance will carry over to the next quarter.
So, please be sure to carry the Publix Partner Card for SV Band Booster with you and remember:
Thank you for joining us in supporting this valuable program! To get your Publix Partner Cards drop by the band office. They will also be available at our Band Booster meetings.
Dear Families:
Publix Super Markets has a great program that will enable our band program to make money every time we shop at Publix. It’s simple: you only need to present the Publix Partners card when you shop and Publix will handle everything else.
Please note that SV Band has a Publix Partner card as well as SVHS, so please be sure to present your SV Band Publix Partner card in order for our program to receive credit. Our Publix Partner Card lists Spring Valley Band Booster on the back of it.
For every $37,500 our supporters spend at Publix, $250 will be given to our band booster at the quarter’s end. If we haven’t reached the $37,500 mark by the end of a quarter, our balance will carry over to the next quarter.
So, please be sure to carry the Publix Partner Card for SV Band Booster with you and remember:
- Let the cashier know you have a Publix Partners card at the beginning of your transaction.
- Your card is good at select Publix locations in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Therefore, please give your family members that live in these other states a Publix Partner card to help support our band program.
Thank you for joining us in supporting this valuable program! To get your Publix Partner Cards drop by the band office. They will also be available at our Band Booster meetings.