Spring Valley Band Boosters 2023-2024
The Spring Valley Booster Club is a non-profit organization that provides a cadre of volunteers that supports the Spring Valley band staff and students in their pursuit of excellence in marching and music. Volunteers handle things such as food, drinks, safety, chaperoning, uniforms, coordination, logistics, prop building, etc. Further, the booster club organizes fundraising opportunities to help the band meet it’s financial obligations, while reducing the financial impact on the families involved. Additionally, the booster club provides assistance to those with financial hardships who would otherwise be unable to participate. A very important aspect of the booster club is to embrace the band program and support it in a way that is consistent with the staff’s leadership - personifying the core values the staff is expecting of our students.
The Band Boosters encourage you to get involved and plugged in to as many committee activities, concession projects, and fundraisers as your schedule allows.
The Band Boosters encourage you to get involved and plugged in to as many committee activities, concession projects, and fundraisers as your schedule allows.
2023-2024 Booster Board
Rachael Taylor
Chuck Gardiner
LeTonya Kelly
Brittany Gunter
Vice President
Pit Crew
Uniforms Team Chairperson
Web Site and Communications Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
2A/4A Site Chair

Parents, all booster club meetings will be on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. The date may change as needed, but any date changes will be announced in advance of the meeting.
Mark your calendars! Hope to see you there each month!
Parents, all booster club meetings will be on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. The date may change as needed, but any date changes will be announced in advance of the meeting.
Mark your calendars! Hope to see you there each month!